Exhibit #4

Exhibit #4

Ms. Achtem's "List of Exhibits"

For comparison please make careful observations and make note as to how Ms. Achtem listed 6 Exhibits that are e-mails, and please pay special attention all dates and the dates as you see Ms. Achtem has listed on the copy of the original she filed. Exhibits B1to B6 on her 1st "List of Exhibits" filed prior to Pre-trial. These where the only e-mails in which Ms. Achtem ever provided Mr. Achtem of her intent of documents to be used at Trial being e-mails. These were the only e-mail that Ms. Achtem prepared Mr. Achtem for to be cross-examined on, and Ms. Achtem knew that. Please be sure to make note of the dates of these e-mails to soon compare with Ms. Achtem's 2nd "List of Exhibits"

Then note that were 6 e-mails that where in the begining in the beginning 1st "List of Exhibits"

View How Ms. Achtem covertly placed her Exhibits M to R behind behind Exhibits A to L wich were Exhibits in which Ms. Achtem provided her intent to use at Trial for cross-examination. Ms. Achtem did not inform the courts or Mr. Achtem , that she was going to use Exhibits M to R which were e-mail sent by Mr. Achtem. Mr. Achtem did send these e-mail and would have ben able to answer to them more appropiately only if Just Horner had allowed Mr. Achtem the opportuntity to veiw Ms. Achtem's Documents she brought to Trial so Mr. Achtem could confirm if they where the same e-mails as Mr. Achtem had intentened for use for cross-examination asw Ms. Achtem has stated on her Pre-trial Summary which was titled as a Concise Letter - Pre-trial not side-tracked Mr. Achtem. The dates on the the e-mail Exhibits on Ms. Achtem's "List of Exhibits file prior to Trial

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